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In the huge and ever growing accessories market, handbags have evolved into unique design pieces status symbols that many aspire to own. In the last ten years the trend for "it" bags, first initiated by Herms in the 1950s with the Kelly bag, has taken off, making the luxury goods market extremely lucrative. Certain bag styles have achieved iconic status and are copied the world over, each with its own instantly recognizable name. Featuring handbags from well-known fashion designers as well as up-and-coming new talent, this book showcases the most exciting and innovative handbag designers from across the globe, including Chanel, Philip Lim, Chloe, Dolce & Gabbana, and Marc Jacobs. Bag is beautifully illustrated with specially-commissioned photographs, alongside original sketches and moodboards, to reflect the rich and diverse range of bag design. Seeking to understand the creative processes behind these covetable handbags, the book also includes an informed and considered commentary on the style and technique of each designer and brand featured.
Product Overview
ISBN 9781856696166
Categories Beauty and Fashion, Non-Fiction, Non-Fiction: Lifestyle
Author(s) Draffan
Publisher Susie
Pages 209
Format Hardcover
Dimensions 28.956cm x 21.844cm x 2.54cm
Weight 1.32 kg