Based on the popular webcomic Dharma Comics, an irresistibly clever, heartfelt, hand-illustrated collection that will delight anyone looking for a dose of daily inspiration. Since 2010, Leah Pearlman's Dharma Comics have been warming the hearts of fans everywhere with their witty and wise insights on navigating the ups and downs we all face. Now Drawn Together, the first Dharma Comics collection, offers the perfect pick-me-up to get through any situation life throws our way. Featuring over 100 beloved favorites and new, never-before-published comics in a charming, two-color package, it illustrates the surprising ways we connect with ourselves, with our aspirations and fears, and with others. This enlightening and entertaining book is the perfect gift that will give a boost of encouragement to anyone needing a little support, a break from the daily grind, or a tender reminder that, no matter what happens, we're never alone.
ISBN | 9780143110248 |
Categories | MIXnMATCH, New Arrivals, Non-Fiction, Non-Fiction: Personal Development, Self-Help |
Author(s) | Pearlman, Leah |
Publisher | J.P.Tarcher,U.S./Perigee Bks.,U.S. |
Pages | - |
Format | Hardcover |
Dimensions | 20.4cm x 1.8cm x 14cm |
Weight | 0.318 kg |