
Views Across The Landscape

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This is a brilliant collection of landscape photography that gives the inspiration needed to take great digital photographs. Techniques include how to find the best locations, plus captions include all technical information. It comes from UK author, Peter Watson. Using a fabulous collection of landscape photography, Peter Watson's latest book gives you both the inspiration and knowledge you need to take stunning digital photographs. Starting at the beginning and explaining digital photography from scratch, there is advice on choosing the right equipment and explanations of the techniques you will need for photographing in an outdoor environment. The core of the book deals with light, composition, close-ups and locations by showcasing striking images and then offering comprehensive and entertaining explanations on all aspects of producing them, including screenshots of the Photoshop adjustments made.

Product Overview
ISBN 9781907708848
Categories Arts and Photography, Non-Fiction, Non-Fiction: Lifestyle
Author(s) Peter Watson
Publisher Ammonite Press
Pages 192
Format Paperback
Dimensions 24.8cm x 1.5cm x 24.8cm
Weight 1.01 kg